Thank You for Everything, Mom

Once a year, we celebrate one of the most important people in our lives: our mother.

We celebrate the wonderful women we have been blessed with as mothers, we also celebrate everything she has done for us and will continue to do for us. And though I could never incapsulate all the things our mothers have done for us, here’s my best shot.

This one is for you Momma-

Thank you for being so selfless

All my life you have given up your life, so that I could do all that I wanted. You made me your priority. You have always gone out of your way to put a smile on my face. No matter the cost. You were and still are my hero.

Thank you for comforting me through hard times

Thank you for always lending your ear, and shoulder when boys didn’t treat me well. Or when a relationship took a turn for the worse. You always knew exactly what I needed to hear. Always reminding me the man of my dreams, the one I’ve prayed for, will always treat with me respect, loyalty and love.

Thank you for raising me to be independent

As far as I am concerned, you are the strongest woman on earth. You have taught me to be confident in myself and all my abilities. Though I know you wish I was still a little girl completely dependent on you, you should be proud of the independent strong woman you have raised. Because of you, I will change the world with my two hands.

Thank you for showing me unconditional love

You always showed me love; even when I was unlovable, you have loved me through it all. With your loving nature I have become the woman I was meant to be. I firmly believe your caring heart is the best feature I received from you, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. You have taught me to see the world with loving eyes and I cannot thank you enough.

Thank you for always encouraging my aspirations

As a child, you always told me I could be whatever I wanted. And I believed you. My dreams may have changed from wanting to become a teacher, to a lawyer or even a crime scene analyst. But one thing has never changed: your words of encouragement.

Thank you for always being there

For always being at every volleyball game, cheerleading event, field trips and school events. Thank you for being my number one fan, always.

Thank you for the birthday cakes, bake sale brownies, the notes you put in my lunch bag and all the fun Saturday nights we’ve spent together at home watching movies having “Mommy and Me” time. These are the moments I will cherish forever.

Thank you for being my best friend

You are always the one I can call, even now, when we still live with each other. Always answering the phone with the same excitement whether it is the first call of the day or the fifth. There is no one I feel more myself with, safer with or more loved with than you. Thank you for always letting me know I am forever loved by you.

I will forever be your little girl.


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