It’s no secret a lack of appreciation in the workplace – or any life domain – can quickly lead us...
JoinedOctober 14, 2021
Elaine is a writer, educator and psychologist-in-training from London, currently based in Hobart, Tasmania. Her writing on personal development, positive psychology and creative living has appeared with Darling Magazine, Healthline,, Wellbeing WILD, and many more. She is passionately curious about the ways we can learn from our experiences to become more authentic versions of ourselves and obsessed with showing you photos of her cutie-patootie dachshund.
In one of my previous roles, I used to organize monthly guest lectures for my university students from various active...
The concept of gaslighting is widely known as a form of emotional abuse, control, and manipulation enacted on someone to...
I love fashion, but I’m not one for following trends. While I’m still uncovering my signature style, I’m conscious of...
Sometimes we get so focused on being busy to show we’re being productive and achieving things we forget to stop...
I’m an advocate for list-making. I make one myself most mornings, taking the time over my first cup of coffee...
When I came across the concept of digital detoxes, a cavern of butterflies exploded in my chest. It may sound...
I’ve been reading about ‘the Great Resignation.’ Following what has been the most challenging two years for the planet in...